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Partnering with NVIDIA to Accelerate NGS Data Processing

DNAnexus® makes it easy to run NVIDIA Parabricks pipelines by providing an out-of-the-box solution.


Accelerate Data Processing and Genomic Analysis

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  • By using graphics processing units (GPUs), it’s possible to achieve throughput comparable to nearly 40-50 CPU servers with just one GPU server. We’re excited to be working with NVIDIA Parabricks to optimize its Genomics Analysis Toolkit on our DNAnexus Platform.
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  • Users simply supply input files and receive results delivered in their DNAnexus project. Launching NVIDA Parabricks apps is a seamless process, removing the hassle of provisioning GPU instances in the cloud manually or installing CUDA or NVIDIA Parabricks apps themselves.

Learn More with Our Featured Resources

DNAnexus is a great partner. What they bring is the scalability to our analysis so you can do things faster and scale the millions of samples on that platform. It's an incredible opportunity for human genomics research.

Dr. Eric Dawson Bioinformatics Scientist, NVIDIA

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