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Powering Collaborative Exploration,
Analysis and Discovery

Make data findable, accessible and shareable–internally and externally–without compromising security.

Enabling Data Science Collaboration at Scale

Share precision health data, tools, analyses, and JupyterLab notebooks efficiently with local and global collaborators
while managing access, security, and compliance with data sovereignty requirements.

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  • Collaborate with Internal Teams
  • Share Data Externally
  • Access Diverse Biomedical Datasets

Collaborate with Internal Teams

Collaborate with Internal Teams

Break down internal silos to foster collaboration

Share data across internal teams and business units through our easy and secure platform. Make data findable and accessible by internal teams with a single source of truth for precision health data.

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    Centralize data and control sharing

    Provide a single internal repository for omics, imaging, and phenotypic datasets governed with access management and data sharing controls
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    Enable non-technical users

    Foster collaboration and increase adoption of tools and pipelines by enabling non-technical users to work with data and standardize analysis across the enterprise
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    Customize internal data portals

    Present internal teams with a custom portal with configurable widgets to showcase specific content, such as key datasets, analysis tools, or documentation.

Share Data Externally

Share Data Externally

Showcase and deliver multiomic and multimodal data to the outside world

Provide data access to your community of collaborators, customers, and other external users without data ever needing to leave your environment.

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    Full oversight over data dispensal

    Package and dispense quality-controlled datasets for delivery to external partners and collaborators with ease. Manage controls to ensure data does not leave the platform.
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    Complete trusted research environment with configurable access controls

    Enable data suppliers to be good stewards of sensitive information with the ability to serve up data in an analysis-ready trusted research environment (TRE).

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    White-labeled portal for a seamless experience

    Allow end-users to access and work with your data through a customized portal that reflects your brand.

Access Diverse Biomedical Datasets

Access Diverse Biomedical Datasets

Tap into a deep network of data partners

DNAnexus connects organizations with rich precision health datasets to pioneering research institutions seeking to harness data to uncover patient-centric insights.

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    Data standardization and harmonization

    DNAnexus provides data standardization and cleaning, making datasets usable and linkable to benefit both data generators and data consumers.

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    Full control over data distribution

    DNAnexus gives data owners a secure and controllable environment to serve up data and partners an analysis-ready environment.
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    Constant connection with data demand

    DNAnexus can facilitate network connections between data generators and potential partners and support the delivery of data solutions.

Helping City of Hope Power the Next Generation of Precision Oncology Research and Therapies

City of Hope partnered with DNAnexus to build the powerful cloud-based Precision Oncology Software Environment Interoperable Data Ontologies Network (POSEIDON). POSEIDON harnesses the capabilities of DNAnexus’ platform to explore, analyze and visualize deidentified, clinicogenomic data from patients and public data sources. Insights from POSEIDON inform drug development, spark new research ideas, improve clinical trial matching, provide critical decision support for tumor boards, and more.


Enabling Collaborative Science for Industry Leaders

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